Revival Radio TV: Calling vs Mantle

Dr. Gene Bailey and guest Roberts Liardon discuss the difference between a Calling and a Mantle. RRTV_240211 Check out our latest episode!

Revival Radio TV: George Washington – “The Christian”

Dr. Gene Bailey explores how George Washington’s faith help rescue and shape a new nation called the “United States of America.” George Washington truly is an example of someone who chose to step up and “be the one” in his generation. He was a man who followed God, and because of that God used him […]

Revival Radio TV: Christian Nationalism

Dr. Gene Bailey and Greg Stephens talks about the concept of “Christian Nationalism.” They delve into the fact, America’s constitution was based on Biblical principles and that many elites do not like the idea of American exceptionalism. RRTV_240128 Check out our latest episode!

Revival Radio TV — Russian Authors Special

Dr Gene Bailey explores the parallels of the rise of marxist Humanism in 19th century Russia and America today. What was the Church’s role, and how do we stop it today?   RRTV_231015_RR Check out our latest episode!

Revival Radio TV: The Magna Carta

In this episode of Revival Radio TV, Dr. Gene Bailey explores how the Magna Carta influenced both the laws that govern the United Kingdom and the creation of the United States Constitution. The Magna Carta was issued in June 1215 and was the first document to put into writing the principle that the king and […]

Revival Radio TV: John Winthrop and America’s Call to be a “City on a Hill”

Dr. Gene Bailey discusses the John Winthrop sermon titled “A Model of Christian Charity.” He explores how this sermon, based on the Sermon on the Mount and the idea of a “City Upon a Hill,” influenced the founding of America, Presidents, politicians, and Christians throughout the country.   RRTV_231001_RR Check out our latest episode!

Revival Radio TV: Tyranny vs. Freedom

In this episode of Revival Radio TV, Dr. Gene Bailey compares the American Revolution to the French Revolution. You will discover how each revolution influenced worldviews in America today. Rooted in biblical ideas of the founders, the American revolution ended in success, leading to 250 years of stability. The French Revolution was rooted in Atheist […]

Revival Radio TV: Biblical Language

You can tell a lot about who someone is by the language they speak. It’s like a window into the culture and history of the people who speak it. In this episode, Dr. Gene Bailey considers the way the founding Fathers of America spoke (and more importantly wrote) and their impact on us today. American […]